Thursday, October 6, 2011

Media during the Super Bowl


      When anyone hears Super Bowl, what most likely comes to mind is football. However, the Superbowl is not only football, it’s followed by those commercials that almost everyone can’t get enough of. But the real question is: How does this influence us?

      The Super Bowl has been known for 45 years and along with it’s growing success every year, media comes into play. When watching these commercials it’s quiet easy to target who they are meant for. From coca-cola, to cars, and humors remarks, it’s safe to say mainly the male population. This may make us speculate as to why the media wouldn’t ensure that they were gender oriented. There may be no real answer to this question, however when a large percentage of the male population across the world is watching football, it’s best to keep their attention by producing commercials such as these. 

      The next question is based off of whether or not this is bad or good. To companies wanting to promote their merchandise, without a doubt this is very good. The way in which these commercials are made reflects off of selling products, entertaining the large amount of individuals watching, and keeping the attention during those live football breaks.

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